Ben's Experience
Ben Geiling, MSc. has over seven years experience in the cannabis industry with a career spanning analytical method development, formulation, and extraction. As the former director of Canopy Innovation Labs, he managed six teams across four purpose-built laboratories with the mandate to develop and patent novel products and processes. During this time Ben honed his considerable extraction experience - from solvent (CO2, hydrocarbon, ethanol) to mechanical (pressing, sieving) and from small benchtop systems to large extraction plants that process many tons of biomass at a time. He has experience working with both batch and continuous extraction systems and understands how different extraction technologies may inform or limit product formulation. Ben is intimately familiar with the Cannabis Act and Regulations and has experience working within 21 CFR p111/211 cGMP, cGLP, ISO 17025 and NFPA 36. He is passionate about cannabis chemistry and enjoys developing and deploying novel solutions to challenging problems.
Outside of work, Ben can be found hiking or sailing in good weather while on rainy days you’ll probably find him in the greenhouse where he runs his own business selling rare and unusual plants.